Soundproof Underlay: The Definitive Guide

Written by Daniel

If you’re looking for a way to soundproof your floor, you may be wondering what the best option is. There are many types of soundproofing materials on the market, but one of the most effective is soundproof underlay. This article will explain everything you need to know about this product, including how it works, where it can be used and how to install it. We’ll also take a look at the pros and cons of using soundproof underlay to help you decide if it’s the right choice for you.

What is Soundproof Underlay?

It is crucial not to mistake carpet padding for soundproofing underlay. Carpet underlay is laid down to make carpets more comfortable, providing a neater fit and longevity against heavy foot traffic. Although some might suggest that it offers noise-cancelling abilities, nothing compares to the specialized performance of acoustic flooring options like foam boards or tiles specifically designed for this purpose — these are rigorously tested for their sound barrier properties in ways that general carpet padding isn’t. 

How Does Soundproof Underlay Work?

Sound is composed of waves that travel through different materials. Our eardrums sense the waves, and our brains interpret them. Soundproofing is trying to reduce sound travel from one place to another so it’s not as loud. People have been trying different methods of soundproofing for centuries, each with a varying degree of success.

The following factors must be considered when soundproofing a room:

  • The materials composing the walls, doors and floors.
  • How far away the noise is.
  • And how loud it is that you want to drown out.

Many factors affect how much soundproofing material you will need. For example, if the noise is low frequency, you won’t have to spend as much money on soundproofing compared to high-frequency noise. Be prepared to get an expert in to help with the quoting stage of the process. The last thing you want is to buy too much or too little underlay.

Where Can Soundproof Underlay Be Used?

Because soundproofing is more expensive than basic underlay, you should consider which rooms in your house really need this specialized treatment. For example, there is no point in soundproofing your ground floor because nothing important is located underneath that floor.

A carpet pad is not only important for comfort and protection, but it is also a key factor in extending the lifespan of your flooring investment. In most cases, a basic carpet pad will suffice.

You don’t need to soundproof every room on the first floor of your home. Think about where each room is located and what its purpose is. This will help you decide which rooms actually need soundproofing.

How to Install Soundproof Underlay


Before beginning, survey the floor for any loose boards and screw them down to avoid creaking. The acoustic sealant will also help preserve your existing floors by sealing joints while using 2mm Soundproofing Mats will offer further protection against noise pollution. To ensure the best results possible, we recommend glueing or nailing our soundproofing mats to the floor surface with roofing felt nails. The mat can be placed wall-to-wall with butt joints at the edges; before installing any further treatments, you may use jointing tape to seal these seams.

Installation with carpet

To lay soundproof underlay, use traditional carpet grippers. Nail down the perimeter strips around the edges of the room, spaced away from walls to allow for tucking in carpet edges later. On top of perimeter strips, nail carpet gripper rods at an appropriate height for taking in the carpet.

According to the instructions, first, gently press the soundproof underlay panels against the perimeter detail. Then, either loose lay or glue across the rest of desired flooring area whilst making sure that all joints remain tightly fitted together. Use Jointing Tape as a means to secure any gaps in between joints; this will prevent noise leakage and maintain high levels of efficiency for insulation purposes.

After you lay down the soundproofing mat, put edging strips against the skirting boards all around the room. Install the soundproof underlay from the edges of those strips across to cover the rest of the floor, taping over joints as necessary. To fit the carpet, install grippers on top of edging strips using longer nails to make up for the extra thickness. If not using a soundproofing mat, then follow the same process as above but glue with a special consol adhesive onto the floor first.

Underlay for stairs

First, cut out the soundproofing panels to fit your stairs using an adhesive. Next, attach strips of MDF around the perimeter of each step. Finally, add a nosing detail if desired.

Although we always want to use perfect products, sometimes slightly inferior panels can be all that is available. If you get one of these, they can usually be used for cutting in around the edges of the floor leaving the damaged or sub-standard section as waste.

Pros and Cons of Soundproof Underlay

  • Pros: A bit more affordable than other options, easy to install, and does a great job at absorbing sound and moisture.
  • Cons: This product is only an acoustic underlay and will not provide superior levels of sound protection.


Does carpet underlay help with soundproofing?

Carpet underlay can help to some extent with soundproofing, but it is not the most effective solution. Soundproofing mats or acoustic sealant would be a better option.

How do I soundproof my floors?

There are many ways to soundproof your floors, including using soundproofing mats or acoustic sealant, installing a floating floor, or using mass-loaded vinyl.

Is soundproofing underlay effective?

Soundproofing underlay is effective at absorbing sound and preventing noise pollution. It is also a key factor in extending the lifespan of your floor.

What is the best soundproofing underlay?

The best soundproofing underlay will depend on your needs and budget. Some of the best options include mass-loaded vinyl, acoustic sealant, and soundproofing mats.

Does soundproofing underlay work?

Soundproofing underlay is an effective way to reduce noise pollution. It works by absorbing sound and preventing it from bouncing off hard surfaces.

What’s the cheapest way to soundproof?

There are many ways to soundproof on a budget, including using soundproofing mats or acoustic sealant, installing a floating floor, or using mass-loaded vinyl.

How do I stop my floors from creaking?

There are several ways to stop your floors from creaking, including adding support to weak spots, sealing gaps and cracks, and adding weight to the floor.

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