Airplane noise is a problem for most people, especially if you stay near the airport. It can be really unpleasant because the noises and sounds can be really loud, and some people, especially light sleepers, don’t enjoy a good night’s rest.
Unfortunately, It can be really hard to soundproof an already built home, Luckily, there are certain things you can do right now to drastically reduce and block out the noises.
And in this article, I will show you exactly how to soundproof your home and drastically reduce the amount of noise you can hear from aircraft.

1. Begin with the Windows
Out of all places in your home windows has the ability to bring in a lot of outside noises due to the material and the gaps you often find in them.
Soundproofing your windows will help lower the noises significantly and help you create a quieter home. There are a lot of things you can do to achieve this, including:
Hanging Sound Blocking Curtains
Now, you may be asking what these are, well in short sound blocking curtains also known as soundproof or noise reduction curtains are curtains that are made from materials that contain sound absorbing properties.
They are usually heavier and a lot denser than regular ones but fortunately they look just as good. These are great because they will not only help you lower the airplane noise but will also reduce echoes and insulate your home.
There are a lot of these in the market but I Personally Recommend Nice Town Noise-reducing Curtains.
- READY MADE: 2 panels per package. Each Curtain with 1.6" diameter rings measures 52"...
- NOISE REDUCING: Detachable felt fabric liner in the middle which makes the effect of...
- 100% BLACKOUT: Curtains are made with 2 layers triple weave fabric and 1 layer...
These work well but won’t soundproof your window 100% but the change is noticeable.
Close off the Gaps using weatherstrips
As you know, windows have a lot of gaps, and sealing them will dramatically lower the amount of external noise coming into the house.
One thing I normally use to close off the gaps is soundproof weatherstrips, these are magical in terms of what they can do to your windows. All you need to do is to measure and seal the gaps; they are self-adhesive and affordable, too.
Make your own window Plugs
This can be a topic on its own; in fact, I wrote an article about how actually to make your own soundproof window plugs. This is simply creating noise-reducing window inserts that you can easily remove anytime. The only downside to this is it can take a lot of time.
Purchase Acoustically Treated Windows
As the name suggests, these are windows that are soundproofed, they are quite expensive but worth every penny if you have the budget to get purchase them.
2. Soundproof the ceiling
The next place you want to look at is the ceiling, as you probably hear some of the aircraft noise coming from there. Unfortunately, this can be challenging since the ceiling is already there, but there are certain things that can help.
Add a Layer of Drywall using Green Glue (Most effective)
One thing you can do is to add a layer of drywall using green glue noise-proofing as adhesive. This is really effective because of the green glue sealant.
Green glue is made to sound dampen noises and sounds and by adding an extra layer of drywall it will make the ceiling thicker and therefore most aircraft sounds won’t be able to come inside the house.
This is by far the best way to sound dampen your ceiling ( See Real User Reviews on Amazon).
Attach Acoustic Foam Panels
Another thing you can do is to attach foam panels to the ceiling that might be the best-looking approach but will certainly help lower the sounds incredibly.
3. Sound Dampen the Doors
I am sure you are aware of the gaps between the door and the door frame. This can allow a lot of noise from outside to sneak in. by sound-dampening the door and sealing the gaps, you can see immediate changes. You can achieve this by doing the following:
Seal the Gaps with Soundproof Door Weatherstripping Kit
Just like the windows, you can use door weatherstrips to seal the gaps, So it’s great because you can use the same weatherstrips to seal the windows too.
What I like about these weatherstrips is the fact that they are affordable and long enough to cover the door and most of your windows and they help insulate a home too.
Use Blankets to block out the noise
Did you know, you can soundproof a door using blankets? Yes, you can! and it works but not with just any blankets you find, it requires a thick blanket like moving blankets to cover the door with.
Get a Soundproof Door
Alternatively, you can purchase a door that is soundproofed and aimed to sound dampen noise. As expected, these are quite costly but will do the job if you have the money to get one.
4. Work on your walls
The walls are the biggest culprit when it comes to allowing low-frequency sounds to come through. here are some of the things you can do to combat that.
Use Bass Traps
As the name suggests, bass traps are meant to combat bass noises and I am sure you are aware that aircraft has a lot of that, that is why you normally feel vibrations when an airplane passes by.
Bass traps are great and effective when it comes to that. all you need to do is place one at every corner of the wall.
Try Moving Blankets
This may not be the most aesthetic approach but it will help sound dampen the external sounds coming through the walls, all you need to do is hang them and cover every bit of the wall.
Moving blankets are one of the best blankets on the market for soundproofing.
Build a room within a room
You can also build what we call a room within a room by using green glue and drywall. Just like the ceiling, the only difference is that now you applying it on your walls
Foam Panels
You can also use foam panels to help block out the noises. You often see these in studious because they help reduce echoes, reverbs and block out sounds.
5. White Noise Sounds
White noise sounds are really amazing because instead of listening to airplane sounds you can change that and play relaxing and soothing sounds using a white noise machine this will help you relax and feel at ease.
6. Wear Earplugs or Earmuffs
When you can’t sleep at night then you can try ear muffs for sleeping or alternatively earplugs to help you get a night’s sleep, if you don’t like ear muffs you can alternatively try noise-canceling headphones.
Final Thoughts on Soundproofing against Aircraft Noise
I really hope this article helped you deal with the airplane noise. Feel free to see my other articles about soundproofing your home, office or vehicle